Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sometimes A Lot Is Less

Ok, sorry this has taken longer than usual. This week has been crazy so now I'm blogging about last Sunday on Saturday!

Sometimes a lot is less was Pastor's message. Genesis 13:1-14, You know the story about Abraham and his Nephew Lot. How they were so great with all their flocks the land couldn't sustain them both so Abe wanted to separate. He gave Lot the choice to go this way or that. Wherever you go, I'll go the opposite. Lot chose the land near Sodom.
Choices. Our lives hinge on our choices. Our choices should be based on God's Word not what we feel. If you're a Christian you should walk by the Word not by your feelings. When you make bad decisions there are consequences that sometimes follow you the rest of your life. That's why we need to trust Him.
Don't settle for anything but God's best for your life.
Lot choose by what he could see and feel.
Lot thought he was blessed because of Abram's blessings when he lived with him. Lot didn't ever make the decision to follow God on his own. Next thing you know he's living right in the middle of Sodom, living the way of the town people. Because of his choices, he lost his children (but two), then his wife. He lost everything he had because of his choices.
If you're going to call yourself a Christian then you better be living it! Choose right!

The good news is that the bad news was wrong was Ron's Sunday Night Light message.
1 Samuel 17:34. David cared for his flock. Not only cared but went so far as to deliver them from the mouth of the lion and the bear. He stood up and refused to let the enemy have the victory. The lion never counted on anyone coming after him and taking the sheep back. He thought he was free and clear. David grabbed him by the beard and made him let go. The sheep was unharmed. That's what we need to do with our children who have let the devil take them captive. Go after them! It's never too late. We need to grab Satan by the beard and take back whatever he's stolen from you, be it children, health, finances, or whatever. Don't sit there and whine and complain about your loss, or just accept it, DO SOMETHING!
Shift out of the natural into the supernatural,
Shift out of the visible into the invisible,
Out of the realm of senses into the realm of faith.
David got angry that the lion had the audacity to come and take one of his sheep. However instead of taking the loss, surely the lamb was dead by now, he was fed up and went after him.
No matter the evidence, we need to take back what the devil has stolen, and not settle for leftovers!

Volleyball. It seems that the youth are getting a lot better than in previous years where we constantly kicked booty. They are making us youth plus work harder just to keep up with them! They all are taller, more organized, and faster than before. Less arguing and more intensity.
Pastor actually spiked Alec by jumping under him! Looked like we were going to win the first one then it took a turn for the worst. We missed Smidgett, he helps our side quite a bit, ha!!
TC won the first 15-7.
Second game was very close, TC winning again 17-15. Trenton ate the net halfway through. He's a constant source of amusement, always falling and biffing into things and people. His Power serves are really funny too. But when he does connect, look out! We missed Jessie and Daryn too. Roger was the only guy on the SNL team. He was getting frustrated as us girls kept hitting it out of bounds and into each other. All in good fun though, we got to get after him when he did it too!
Judy and Jamie, our newbies, are getting really good! Smacking that ball .
Arlene was our player of the week. She served them breakfast! HA!
Funny of the week was when Starla bent down to tie my shoe and Tray, Zack, and Trenton came and put their shoes over for her to tie.
The sun finally went down enough we weren't blinded, ahhhh sweet relief. Last game was tense, youth and youth plus playing fiercely. Each wanting the win. Time stood still as the ball went back and forth, back and forth. Each side striving till the youth started pulling away. We tried to keep up with them but it was a sad night as they won yet again, making a three game win. 15-7 was the final score as we youth plus trudged off the field vowing to get them next week.

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