Monday, August 30, 2010


Last Sunday, August 22.
Pastor preached out of Luke chapter 18:1-8. Talking about Heavenomics. Receiving from God. Ever have anyone ask "if God is so good, why is there so much sickness and pain in the earth, why am I hurting and broken?" You can tell them the answer, because I have no faith.
Some of us only have pretend faith. Sort of hoping, sort of wishing that God will answer our prayers. Sometimes church walks by feeling. Faith isn't feeling. We did not get saved by feeling but by faith. Faith believes what God says. By faith we are healed, by faith we receive from God.
Faith comes by hearing, hearing comes by the Word of God. Renewing your mind by the washing of the water of the Word. Some people have faith in faith. That doesn't work, faith in Him is what works. Can't be God bless me if you can, can't be I didn't feel anything. Do you have faith or just religion?
Mark 11:24 says whatever you desire when you pray, believe you have it and you shall have it.
What do you need from God? Ask Him for it, believe you receive it, and then guard it!
(this blogger went up for prayer and got healed!)

Ron spoke about abundant living, John 10:10. Our world is full of unhappy and dissatisfied people. For this reason, people everywhere are looking for answers to the emptiness they feel inside. These people will try anything if it might bring them some sort of satisfaction or happiness. Perhaps this explains why there is so much divorce, suicide, thoughts of suicide, drug dependency, alcohol abuse, criminal behavior, prostitution, sexual impurity, depression, pornography, eating disorders emotional and psychological disorders. We are messed up. So, what is the solution?
Materialism and wealth?
Pleasure and prestige?
Wisdom and understanding?
There is an answer to the eternal question, "how do I find happiness and satisfaction in life?" Jesus said "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Jesus is our answer, in Him only can we find happiness and satisfaction.

Oh man volleyball!!!!!! This blogger stayed out of the game and took notes from the sidelines. It was SO exciting!! We had a ton of rain that afternoon but that didn't stop the game.
Now last week I reported that the adults won. That's what I had in my notes. But they say that we didn't. So whether we did or whether we didn't, only the Lord knows for sure.
I DO know that we won this night!!! Both games. 15-9 and 15-13. The youth huddled up beforehand, shouting, trying to psyche us out. Didn't work. We had several new players. Ransom, he was amazing! Josh and Jordon came too, they were on the adult side. Jordan with her volleyball shirt played fantastically! Josh wasn't even rusty, he played like he never left!
Judy, Starla, and Mike were our hot players of the night.
Our first game started out like a a drag race taking off, squealing tires, smoke and rubber flying, and LOUD! Dylan served 'em hard and fast, seven in a row! Had the adults scrambling! Roger even wanted to pray, ha! Power servers were Dylan, Zack, Jessie, and Alec.
Mike smacked it right into some one's face. (cannot read my own notes) The youth played like pinball, the ball hitting them one by one till it stopped. Was very funny. Daryn hackey sacked it even. Janelle slipped in the mud, Pastor stepped up and got the hit right over her head. Serious play of the evening!
Last game was the guys against the girls. I thought, this ought to be good. The guys spent their time talking smack. No shopping here was one of the milder ones. They did beat us 15-3.

Next week, no volleyball, or church for that matter. We will be having church on the mountain. See y'all there!

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