Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Hope is Jesus

I cannot believe the week is already over and tomorrow is Sunday, here I am again, blogging about last Sunday the day before the next Sunday! I apologize, next week I'll try to be better, things have to settle down!

Pastor preached out of John 14: 1-21. You believe in God, believe also in Me. Jesus is speaking to our hearts today. It's a comfort in times of death to know that Jesus has gone to build a place for us. To have hope in our daily lives. To know that if we are His, we have the hope of salvation. That in these days of lack we don't have to worry because He is faithful who promised, to His.
We cannot ride the line, we have to choose where we are going. We don't go there by default.
God is Holy. If you love Him, you will keep His commandments. Everybody wants a Savior but few want a King.
You say I'm good. What is good? Mother Theresa good or Jeffry Dalmer good? How good do you have to be to get into Heaven? Doesn't matter if you call yourself a Christian, how do you live? Do you keep His commandments? Salvation is free but you pay a price. Your life. If you don't take up your cross and follow Me you're not worthy to be called a Christian.

Ron's message in Sunday Night Light was called BMWs and Other Cool Stuff. Interestingly his message was out of John too. John 4:7-14. The woman at the well. She was the first woman evangelist!
God's call on your life is forever. But He doesn't ask you to do the impossible and then leave you hanging. He gives you what you need to succeed. You do have what it takes!
He talked about James Bond and all the goodies he had to do his job. The tools of his trade. The remote control BMW and such. When you think about it, it is the tools, in a sense that make our action heroes somewhat believable. The idea that an ordinary man can do extraordinary things if given the right tools. The tools allow us to view them as a hero instead of as a superhero. The primary difference is the source of their strength.
God has not called us to be superheros. He has called us to follow Him, to be that which He made us to be. He has given us the tools we need to accomplish that. HE is the source of our strength. You DO have what it takes to succeed! You are somebody's hero.

And succeed we did! Volleyball was very exciting! We had a ton of folks playing. In fact, in addition to the three rows, we had a special row. You were special once everytime around, LOL!!!
We were glad to Dylan and Justin back from the summer in Texas. We missed them.
There were a bunch of newbies, Janelle, Mike, Tiffinie, Makayla, Zach, Heather and David. David was our hot player of the night! He went after that ball like a chubby Policeman goes after donuts! My apologies to the Police and the chubby folks, one of which am I. (Whoa, tough crowd huh Starla?)
Anyway.....back to the game. Mike and Janelle were really good too! In fact, the fact we had them and David, was the reason we won. It was a high pressure game, one of which you didn't take your eyes off the ball for any reason! I did and lost it to the bushes.
Kuria made 9 points in a row serving the first game. She was unstoppable! This little girl has improved her game so much this summer I hardly recognize the champ I see across the net. Look out High School!
We volleyed long and hard, fighting for the win. The adults have lost several weeks in a row and we weren't about to let that happen again. We slaughtered them at 15-8. TC came back with a vengeance in the second game. They came on strong pushing us back and forth till we finally gave in at 15-11, their win.
You should see Taylor and Jessie hit the ball. It actually looks like their hands bend way back and they've hurt themselves. No, they've slammed it right over and into your side like nobodies business! Taylor got hit upside the head with choruses of "way to use your head!" Hilarious!
We had a play of the week but I can't remember it, ha! You guys sure I didn't hit my head?
We divided up for the last game and were more evenly matched. And it was ON! Of course after I stopped pouting at being picked nearly last. Our newbies let loose the last game and really went after it. I'm surprised the fire department wasn't called, we were hot! That's where David showed his metal. He came from the back row catching and returning that ball with the force of Star Wars! Onlookers were gaping!
Pastor again spiked! This time Dylan. I think she's been practicing her jumps during the week!
The game ended with several very exciting plays, 15-12. We were exhausted but happy.

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