Monday, October 25, 2010

The last game of the year..... :(

Hey everybody!
Wow did we have a GREAT game last night! Us youth-plus whupped the kids all three games! To be only fair, they did win two out of three last week.
We played all three games in the rain, waaaay worth it!!!
Last game of the season, will be blogging about the Hallelujah party next week.

Then then......

Monday, October 4, 2010

40 Day Challenge

Well now, how ya doing with the 40 day challenge? I know that riding in the back seat with Jesus in the front was eye opening to me! Several had testimonies about what happened to them this week as they became aware of Jesus' presence in their midst!

Pastor continued along this vein, giving us precious nuggets to put away. Acknowledging His presence in our everyday lives changes things. Impacts our lives! We watch what we say, what we do, what we see and hear. Luke 16:19-29
The whole month of October we are to do this exercise, that we may impact the world!
We have the answer for what the world needs. Jesus!

Ron brought the Word out of 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, 12. Why have we received the Spirit which is of God? It's when you get the baptism in the Holy Ghost and receive the Spirit of God in His fullness that revelation knowledge comes. And you're lifted out of mediocrity into a higher level. You're lifted out of darkness of ignorance and you begin to know who you are and what you have and your authority and you can rise up in the name and the knowledge of God and chase the devil away! To do the things He's called us to do!

Volleyball was awesome! Us older folks whupped the youth all three games! Then they had the audacity to say they got together and decided to let us win! HA!
The energy was electric! The ball started whizzing back and forth before everybody was out there! It even attracted a dog walking by, he sat and wouldn't move though his human tried dragging him down the street, he wanted to watch!
Tray (ginko man) was on our side. He was the player of the night. I'm telling you that man must have taken two ginkos! He was all over the court. And on the ground several times. He even caught the ball out of bounds sending it back over to us then to the other side. Didn't count though because it was four hits and then it didn't go over the net. Phew.
Sloan joined the youth, and for a little guy, man oh man can he play! And one would think that Zecharia, Dylan, and Alec have been taking zooming lessons. They were serving so fast and hard it made a furrow in your hair!
It seemed that Pastor had a target on her back. I lost count of the times she got hit.
We had great volleys, many having learned the kick very well. It was exciting and we ran after the ball with a frenzy! The younger Kortz boys were still boys, ha!! Showing off and falling down. Funny! Speaking of funny, Dylan got tangled in the net, Nikki kept hitting the ground and being slammed into from the other side, and Starla spiked Alec!!!! Whoo Hooo!!!
Daryn, Lonnie, and Ron had serving streaks that up till now were only seen on TV!
Scores were 15-12, 15-7, and 15-8. We are the champions!
Only two more nights left before the season is over, make plans to join us!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hey guys!
Sorry, I have been away, we took a little (ha!) trip to the East coast to see our oldest grandson graduate from basic. Go Justin!!!

I will try to catch up by starting with last week's volleyball game.
We had a couple of new people, Breanna and Esra/Emily. These gals, one on each side, really took off. They said Esra played on a college team but I think they were pulling my leg. She played very well though! So did Breanna!
We started out with an amazing volley. Everybody was wired! First game was won by us older folks, 18-16, next two by the youth, 18-16 and 15-5. They slaughtered us the last one.
Just as we were really getting into it Justin, Jessie and Dayrn's boy, got hurt (not playing with us). He wouldn't stop crying even when Pastor offered him a green gum ball. Then we all heard this pitiful whining....redddddd one. Red one did the trick, he stopped!
Corbie was our power hitter of the evening. There's something to be said for playing when you're a little chipped off! She walloped that ball time and time again matching even their strongest guy hitters! Judy saved the day with a return that astonished us all!
Lonnie was one of our best players, spiking it right on those tall kids. This blogger was serving and hit him twice, once in the head then the back. LOL!
Ron even joined us and had the play of the night! The ball nearly touched the ground when he caught it with his toe and launched it straight up into the air and over the net at the last minute!
The younger Kortz boys were all over the field, one goof after another. Trying especially hard. Trenton actually hit the ball with his head twice.
Starla got determined after a few fails and knocked the stuffing out the ball. We all cheered!
After dragging ourselves happily off the court and downing an case of water we had some good teaching by Ron. Thanks Honey!
You can hear Pastor's message from Sunday morning on our church website.
She challenged us that for 40 days we are to become aware of Jesus'
presence in our everyday lives. Setting an extra place at dinner, buckling
Him in in the car, watching tv or movies with Him ect.

You'll see me driving down the street talking to Jesus, nothing new there!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday Sunday!

Well this blogger did not get Pastor's message on CD this week. So I'm going to wing it...not!

I am going to post the P-salms that our Sunday School class wrote. I was amazed at the differences in writings, and you could really tell that they were prayed over and thoughtfully written.

Please remember these are the property of each owner and NOT to be copied or used without permission. Thank you!

Miss Patricia went first one way then another in her serious and Seuss P-salms!

Look up and trust, for your redemption draws near;

What path will you choose, are you willing to hear?

About God and Jesus and His saving Grace;

Or will you just scoff, and spit in the face

Of the One who can save you from an eternity of sorrow,

Saying, "What's the rush? There's always tomorrow.

There's so much to do, too short are the days -

To give God much thought, or to worship or pray."

Where are you spending tomorrow, how are you spending today?

Where are you spending eternity - will you choose to try Jesus' way?

Are you spending your treasures on a fallen world, playing roulette with your fate

Choose wisely my friend, while you still can - tomorrow may be too late.

When He comes to judge, will you be excusing your sin;

Or do you think being "good" is enough to get in?

On the day when you stand, before the One who created,

Will the Almighty say "Welcome" or "Pity, you waited."

He told you, He warned you, He wrote it in His Book -

But you couldn't be bothered to even take a look.

If you had, you would know what promises await

Those who forfeit, or walk through Heaven's holy gate.

Everyday is your choice

each day there's still time

It's easy; just ask!

It won't cost a dime

Stop denying that Jesus

is the truth and the life

It's your promise of eternity

free from all strife

Go ahead, go on living

in what "feels good" today

Excusing and inventing

alternative ways

to get on heaven's highway.

I'm sorry my friend

There's only ONE road to heaven,

thru Jesus --- THE END

Patricia C.



He made the earth, the heaven, the seas,

He made all of us for our praises to please,

He blessed us so, with a perfect love,

So we can go from this world to above,


He loves us, he chose us, even when he's been forsaken,

He's our light in our deepest dark,

Let his spirit awaken,

His power is great, and awesome,

His lightnings lighted the sky,

He cause the hills to melt like wax,

The seas to tremble, our minds to fly,


He is God, the one, the true,

The Savior who took our sins,

We all should know that he is the way,

and that in the end, God wins.


Alec C.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Corbie's Devotion at Church On The Mountain

This is written by Kelly McCausey.

To be a survivor in this amazing race, with the need for speed you need God's grace

And if you're desperate like housewives, watching Days Of Our Lives

You can't cope without hope and that's not on a soap

If you're looking to Oprah or Dr Phil you can shop not stop or pop a pill

But the void won't fill and the pain won't kill till you love the One that hung on the hill

Kickin' back in your lazy boy easy chair watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Nah - you're not going to find it there

No American Idol or council tribal has the final answer that'll satisfy ya
CSI ain't gotta a clue, SVU don't know what to do
Not the ER or the OC, nothing on a CD, TV, DVD, or MP3
Can save you and me
CNN's got no good news, here's the must choose
It's not a simple life Paris Hilton, it's treading on thin ice livin' in is a sin
You can be an Apprentice for Donald Trump or eat Fear Factor fast food from a dump
You can be a heavy hitter, a Wheel Of Fortune winner, a Fox news no spin spinner, or a flat out
But you better check this life that you're living and make sure your sins are forgiven
I bet you 50 cents Elvis done came and went
And eventually every Black Eyed Pea, Gwen Stefani, P. Diddy, and Brittany
Every wanna a be on MTV
With they IC bling every Dixie Chick that sings
They ALL gonna see the King of Kings
I don't care if you're J Low, or Leno, or Bonno
One thing you gotta know...someday you gonna die bro...then where you gona go
Hey I'm not talking some punk junk that's irrelevant
Like your Grandma's church from way back's not some preacher feature on TBN that ya need to be liking or listening
The real Superstar is Jesus Christ, He's the way the truth and the light
One day He's gonna spilt the sky...He's the brightest light and the highest high
So what I came to say and what I'm telling ya
is don't buy that stupid stuff they be selling ya
It's all designed to fill your head and waste your space until you're dead
Here's the bottom line to my rhyme...
Give your life to God while there's still time

Monday, August 30, 2010

Church on the Mountain!

We had so much fun! Kortz', Gaines', Smiths, Dysons, and Durans went up on Friday. Corbie and fam went early so they could save the spot. Great spot. We had plenty of room for everybody. The spot had cooking places and lots of room in the middle for tables, it had fresh cold pump water, and even an amphitheatre. (I know, it looks like it's spelled wrong, I did look it up tho)

We sang around the fire Friday night. Making up songs to the guys playing guitars. Laughing till coffee snorted! Skip!

Saturday brought more folks up. Janelle, Mike and family, Niki and Bryce, Talberts (though only Taylor stayed the night), and finally Pat (Alec had to stay in town).

The kids brought their bikes and enjoyed the country side. We did some hiking, shooting, staying out of the rain, 4wheeling, and I think some were even going to fish on Sunday.

Corbie and Tray had a delicious dinner and Corbie's devotion was was inspiring. I'll see if I can post it. That evening we had s'mores running out of our ears. With strawberry marshmallows!

Pastor and Lonnie came back the next morning and after another great meal by the Kortz' we had food for our spirits. Pastor preached out of Matthew, talking about having the authority AND the power. That's a pic of her preaching at the beginning of this blog. We parted company filled up and flowing over.

No volleyball, cleaning and putting everything away when we got home was fun enough!

Until next week!


Last Sunday, August 22.
Pastor preached out of Luke chapter 18:1-8. Talking about Heavenomics. Receiving from God. Ever have anyone ask "if God is so good, why is there so much sickness and pain in the earth, why am I hurting and broken?" You can tell them the answer, because I have no faith.
Some of us only have pretend faith. Sort of hoping, sort of wishing that God will answer our prayers. Sometimes church walks by feeling. Faith isn't feeling. We did not get saved by feeling but by faith. Faith believes what God says. By faith we are healed, by faith we receive from God.
Faith comes by hearing, hearing comes by the Word of God. Renewing your mind by the washing of the water of the Word. Some people have faith in faith. That doesn't work, faith in Him is what works. Can't be God bless me if you can, can't be I didn't feel anything. Do you have faith or just religion?
Mark 11:24 says whatever you desire when you pray, believe you have it and you shall have it.
What do you need from God? Ask Him for it, believe you receive it, and then guard it!
(this blogger went up for prayer and got healed!)

Ron spoke about abundant living, John 10:10. Our world is full of unhappy and dissatisfied people. For this reason, people everywhere are looking for answers to the emptiness they feel inside. These people will try anything if it might bring them some sort of satisfaction or happiness. Perhaps this explains why there is so much divorce, suicide, thoughts of suicide, drug dependency, alcohol abuse, criminal behavior, prostitution, sexual impurity, depression, pornography, eating disorders emotional and psychological disorders. We are messed up. So, what is the solution?
Materialism and wealth?
Pleasure and prestige?
Wisdom and understanding?
There is an answer to the eternal question, "how do I find happiness and satisfaction in life?" Jesus said "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Jesus is our answer, in Him only can we find happiness and satisfaction.

Oh man volleyball!!!!!! This blogger stayed out of the game and took notes from the sidelines. It was SO exciting!! We had a ton of rain that afternoon but that didn't stop the game.
Now last week I reported that the adults won. That's what I had in my notes. But they say that we didn't. So whether we did or whether we didn't, only the Lord knows for sure.
I DO know that we won this night!!! Both games. 15-9 and 15-13. The youth huddled up beforehand, shouting, trying to psyche us out. Didn't work. We had several new players. Ransom, he was amazing! Josh and Jordon came too, they were on the adult side. Jordan with her volleyball shirt played fantastically! Josh wasn't even rusty, he played like he never left!
Judy, Starla, and Mike were our hot players of the night.
Our first game started out like a a drag race taking off, squealing tires, smoke and rubber flying, and LOUD! Dylan served 'em hard and fast, seven in a row! Had the adults scrambling! Roger even wanted to pray, ha! Power servers were Dylan, Zack, Jessie, and Alec.
Mike smacked it right into some one's face. (cannot read my own notes) The youth played like pinball, the ball hitting them one by one till it stopped. Was very funny. Daryn hackey sacked it even. Janelle slipped in the mud, Pastor stepped up and got the hit right over her head. Serious play of the evening!
Last game was the guys against the girls. I thought, this ought to be good. The guys spent their time talking smack. No shopping here was one of the milder ones. They did beat us 15-3.

Next week, no volleyball, or church for that matter. We will be having church on the mountain. See y'all there!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Hope is Jesus

I cannot believe the week is already over and tomorrow is Sunday, here I am again, blogging about last Sunday the day before the next Sunday! I apologize, next week I'll try to be better, things have to settle down!

Pastor preached out of John 14: 1-21. You believe in God, believe also in Me. Jesus is speaking to our hearts today. It's a comfort in times of death to know that Jesus has gone to build a place for us. To have hope in our daily lives. To know that if we are His, we have the hope of salvation. That in these days of lack we don't have to worry because He is faithful who promised, to His.
We cannot ride the line, we have to choose where we are going. We don't go there by default.
God is Holy. If you love Him, you will keep His commandments. Everybody wants a Savior but few want a King.
You say I'm good. What is good? Mother Theresa good or Jeffry Dalmer good? How good do you have to be to get into Heaven? Doesn't matter if you call yourself a Christian, how do you live? Do you keep His commandments? Salvation is free but you pay a price. Your life. If you don't take up your cross and follow Me you're not worthy to be called a Christian.

Ron's message in Sunday Night Light was called BMWs and Other Cool Stuff. Interestingly his message was out of John too. John 4:7-14. The woman at the well. She was the first woman evangelist!
God's call on your life is forever. But He doesn't ask you to do the impossible and then leave you hanging. He gives you what you need to succeed. You do have what it takes!
He talked about James Bond and all the goodies he had to do his job. The tools of his trade. The remote control BMW and such. When you think about it, it is the tools, in a sense that make our action heroes somewhat believable. The idea that an ordinary man can do extraordinary things if given the right tools. The tools allow us to view them as a hero instead of as a superhero. The primary difference is the source of their strength.
God has not called us to be superheros. He has called us to follow Him, to be that which He made us to be. He has given us the tools we need to accomplish that. HE is the source of our strength. You DO have what it takes to succeed! You are somebody's hero.

And succeed we did! Volleyball was very exciting! We had a ton of folks playing. In fact, in addition to the three rows, we had a special row. You were special once everytime around, LOL!!!
We were glad to Dylan and Justin back from the summer in Texas. We missed them.
There were a bunch of newbies, Janelle, Mike, Tiffinie, Makayla, Zach, Heather and David. David was our hot player of the night! He went after that ball like a chubby Policeman goes after donuts! My apologies to the Police and the chubby folks, one of which am I. (Whoa, tough crowd huh Starla?)
Anyway.....back to the game. Mike and Janelle were really good too! In fact, the fact we had them and David, was the reason we won. It was a high pressure game, one of which you didn't take your eyes off the ball for any reason! I did and lost it to the bushes.
Kuria made 9 points in a row serving the first game. She was unstoppable! This little girl has improved her game so much this summer I hardly recognize the champ I see across the net. Look out High School!
We volleyed long and hard, fighting for the win. The adults have lost several weeks in a row and we weren't about to let that happen again. We slaughtered them at 15-8. TC came back with a vengeance in the second game. They came on strong pushing us back and forth till we finally gave in at 15-11, their win.
You should see Taylor and Jessie hit the ball. It actually looks like their hands bend way back and they've hurt themselves. No, they've slammed it right over and into your side like nobodies business! Taylor got hit upside the head with choruses of "way to use your head!" Hilarious!
We had a play of the week but I can't remember it, ha! You guys sure I didn't hit my head?
We divided up for the last game and were more evenly matched. And it was ON! Of course after I stopped pouting at being picked nearly last. Our newbies let loose the last game and really went after it. I'm surprised the fire department wasn't called, we were hot! That's where David showed his metal. He came from the back row catching and returning that ball with the force of Star Wars! Onlookers were gaping!
Pastor again spiked! This time Dylan. I think she's been practicing her jumps during the week!
The game ended with several very exciting plays, 15-12. We were exhausted but happy.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sometimes A Lot Is Less

Ok, sorry this has taken longer than usual. This week has been crazy so now I'm blogging about last Sunday on Saturday!

Sometimes a lot is less was Pastor's message. Genesis 13:1-14, You know the story about Abraham and his Nephew Lot. How they were so great with all their flocks the land couldn't sustain them both so Abe wanted to separate. He gave Lot the choice to go this way or that. Wherever you go, I'll go the opposite. Lot chose the land near Sodom.
Choices. Our lives hinge on our choices. Our choices should be based on God's Word not what we feel. If you're a Christian you should walk by the Word not by your feelings. When you make bad decisions there are consequences that sometimes follow you the rest of your life. That's why we need to trust Him.
Don't settle for anything but God's best for your life.
Lot choose by what he could see and feel.
Lot thought he was blessed because of Abram's blessings when he lived with him. Lot didn't ever make the decision to follow God on his own. Next thing you know he's living right in the middle of Sodom, living the way of the town people. Because of his choices, he lost his children (but two), then his wife. He lost everything he had because of his choices.
If you're going to call yourself a Christian then you better be living it! Choose right!

The good news is that the bad news was wrong was Ron's Sunday Night Light message.
1 Samuel 17:34. David cared for his flock. Not only cared but went so far as to deliver them from the mouth of the lion and the bear. He stood up and refused to let the enemy have the victory. The lion never counted on anyone coming after him and taking the sheep back. He thought he was free and clear. David grabbed him by the beard and made him let go. The sheep was unharmed. That's what we need to do with our children who have let the devil take them captive. Go after them! It's never too late. We need to grab Satan by the beard and take back whatever he's stolen from you, be it children, health, finances, or whatever. Don't sit there and whine and complain about your loss, or just accept it, DO SOMETHING!
Shift out of the natural into the supernatural,
Shift out of the visible into the invisible,
Out of the realm of senses into the realm of faith.
David got angry that the lion had the audacity to come and take one of his sheep. However instead of taking the loss, surely the lamb was dead by now, he was fed up and went after him.
No matter the evidence, we need to take back what the devil has stolen, and not settle for leftovers!

Volleyball. It seems that the youth are getting a lot better than in previous years where we constantly kicked booty. They are making us youth plus work harder just to keep up with them! They all are taller, more organized, and faster than before. Less arguing and more intensity.
Pastor actually spiked Alec by jumping under him! Looked like we were going to win the first one then it took a turn for the worst. We missed Smidgett, he helps our side quite a bit, ha!!
TC won the first 15-7.
Second game was very close, TC winning again 17-15. Trenton ate the net halfway through. He's a constant source of amusement, always falling and biffing into things and people. His Power serves are really funny too. But when he does connect, look out! We missed Jessie and Daryn too. Roger was the only guy on the SNL team. He was getting frustrated as us girls kept hitting it out of bounds and into each other. All in good fun though, we got to get after him when he did it too!
Judy and Jamie, our newbies, are getting really good! Smacking that ball .
Arlene was our player of the week. She served them breakfast! HA!
Funny of the week was when Starla bent down to tie my shoe and Tray, Zack, and Trenton came and put their shoes over for her to tie.
The sun finally went down enough we weren't blinded, ahhhh sweet relief. Last game was tense, youth and youth plus playing fiercely. Each wanting the win. Time stood still as the ball went back and forth, back and forth. Each side striving till the youth started pulling away. We tried to keep up with them but it was a sad night as they won yet again, making a three game win. 15-7 was the final score as we youth plus trudged off the field vowing to get them next week.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Welcome to the dog days of summer! Or should I say the humid, wilting, leaden sky days of summer. You'd think we live in Texas with the humidity at 70%!

Our Sunday was filled with joy and laughter. We had a Saturday meeting with our conference Bishop Larry Herrera and his lovely wife June, and the leftovers were not only the salad and bread sticks! Good times!

Sunday School was a lively discussion, we are reading the Bible through the year and are currently in Psalms. Everyone talked about their favorite, reading aloud what touched their hearts. I was amazed that the same passage was several folk's favorites.

Corbie's special flowed out touching and melting hearts. The Lord had us pray for a young lady even before the message got started.
Pastor had a powerful word from 2 Kings 6:15-17. "There's more that stand on our side no matter what you see." Elisha's servant came out that morning and saw that they were surrounded by the enemy. His response was OH MY GOD, calling out to the Lord.
She went on to say that no matter what life throws at you or the how the enemy comes at you, our God is a BIG God. If our focus is on our problems, they seem bigger. But if our focus is on God, our problems seem small.
Ever thought about how things look in the rear view mirror as you drive away? That's how He looks as we get away from the vision, the reality of who God is. Remember though the text on the mirror, objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear. Call on Him even if it seems He is far away. Anoint my eyes Lord to see those who need to be here next Sunday.

We played volleyball so long there was no evening message.

We played five games! It was on friend! (James told me in the morning that we were going down, haaa!!!) Well, turns out he was right. T.C. won the first three games. 15-8, 15-7, and 15-12. Alec was back and they had their secret weapon, Sloan from next door. That little guy can really play! His shirt even said, power hitter. Little goober, couldn't wear his batman shirt that night!
Arlene was our hot player of the night. She served till they got tired of running after the ball. We had a newbie, Michael. He was very quiet but after he warmed up made that ball soar! TC couldn't stand still or decide who went where, in fact Smidgett wasn't paying attention and his Mom Corbie served it upside his head! It was SOOO funny several had to run for the bathroom!
I don't think Trenton ever made it over the net, he and other "power servers" kept slamming it into the net, or over our heads. Pastor tried to spike it only to get tangled up with Trenton in the net. Her earring even landed on the other side! Kuria, who does not run after it, slammed it every time it came her way. Even with a headache she popped that ball right back over the net, once Corbie actually caught it.
Tori and Bodie dropped in too, all the way from the Front Range to play!
Corbie and Starla actually crashing into one another, each wearing their orange shirts. Called it orange crush LOL!!! (see re-enactment pic below)
Play of the week: Daryn caught the ball with his toe two inches off the ground sending it flying, I kicked it a second time, then he slammed it over the net at the last second. Talk about screaming! The crowd went wild! Another wow moment was Pastor running out of bounds and saving it just above the ground. The scouts will be looking her up after that!
After three games we divided up and played another two. We all went after that ball like an obsessed dog. Nobody was staying in their place as we all raced from one side to the other. I'm talking knuckle cracking, head banging, split sliding, (Daryn 3 times!) EXTREME volleyball! Each side won once. We were exhausted but happy, limping off the court with bruises, swollen knees, and ball prints on the sides of heads.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Lighthouse Volley Blog

After a great day of 4wheeling on Saturday, the Lighthouse folks arrived bright and early Sunday morning for worship. We had a great Sunday School class.

Then Jessie's anointed song Mighty to Save complimented Pastor's message about worship and a grateful heart. She preached from Luke 7:37 about the woman who worshipped with a heart of gratitude, much forgiven, much grateful.
How our worship is a reflection of our hearts.

Ron's evening message was from Acts 3:1-10. About Peter and John being used by the Lord to heal the lame man. He encouraged us to not only have our testimony ready, but to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so our testimonies have power! That the Holy Ghost is an on board generator, ready with the power to do the things the Father calls us to do.

So today we need to check our hearts and spirits. Make sure we're ready to be His hands and feet by having a heart of worship and a spirit of fire!

The volleyball game was CRAZY! The first game went on forever! We battled it back and forth until the score climbed to 19-21! Youth barely winning. By the way our names have been changed. Transfer Company is the youth, TC, and Sunday Night Light is the adults, SNL.
We continued to battle through the second game, our newbies relaxing and pouring it on. TC had Haley and Kyli together and they were serving up FLYBALL!!! Smidgett was doing some kind of hoochie koochie dance every time he served, taking his sweet time. Finally the Ref (Ron) started giving him a time limit to serve or they forfeited that point. We had a young man named Sloan who joined in on the second game, he was only ten but boy howdy could he play!
Roger bounced one off Daryn's face to score and Trenton could not stay off the ground.
Nikki and Tina were there too, Nikki plays like she's getting paid per point, ha! She's our player of the night. She went down I don't know how many times. Stopping and returning the ball so boldly we all stood open mouthed. She and Taylor wrestled one play, each trying to spike. Judy was our on fire player, she hit that ball like it was the devil himself!
Second game won by TC 15-13. They brought the score from 2 all the way to win it. Sloan was their secret weapon. Next time he can come play our side!
By the third we were stomping them! Tray crashed and burned after Zechariah stopped the ball before it got to him, if we had videoed it, would have won big money on AFV. Corbie caught and saved an almost foul with her toe! I stood amazed.
SNL finally won the last one 15-6. Next time watch out kids, Pastor will be playing!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Lighthouse Volley Blog

Hey guys!
Doing it big time now! Just like Ron said last night in his message, going deeper. I know he was talking about our walk (or swim) with Jesus but it also pertains to our daily lives. And like Pastor preached, our daily lives shouldn't be something compartmentalized apart from our walk with the Lord. You see, there should not be two different ways of living for the Christian. The person who greets the visitors with their Sunday smile, teaches the little ones with their Sunday love, or leads the worship with their Sunday best should be the same person on Monday! We should treat the cashier, the child wanting attention, or the cranky customer with the same love, smile, and best. Being Jesus to the world, growing stronger and deeper in Him instead of acting like the world. Would there be enough evidence to "convict" you of being a Christian? You have to ask yourself that. Ponder it. Be honest with yourself, then ask the Lord what He thinks.

Ok, now for the volley ball results.
All I can say is WOW!!! We are still playing the youth against the adult. We have been searching for names, they kept calling us old people, talking smack to their elders. Well Wrinkles came up last night. None of us were fond of it...until we thought of one for them, Pimples! Ha!
So now the blogs will be about the Wrinkles and the Pimples.
We had seven newbies. Karen, Joanna, Judy, Randy, Jamie, James, and Kyli. At first they were kind of hesitant, we play extreme volleyball with a big ball and slightly different rules. Then they started warming up! I was impressed! The ladies on the Wrinkles team powered up and started slamming that ball across. Kyli (all of what 10?) was serving like no body's business! We were hard pressed to keep up our lead over the Pimples. First game was very close at W-15, P-13.
Second game we were almost skunked at P-15, W-2!, Third (this is the one where the newbies got their land legs and came on strong), P-16, W-14. We made them earn every point.
The player(s) of the week were Randy and Roger. Randy took one for the team more than once! And when he had warmed up, it was on! Roger just had knee surgery last Tuesday but showed up to play anyway. And play he did! Spiking even with a crippled knee. We all tried to stay close to help him but yours truly actually slammed into him...twice. Sorry Rog.
Corbie almost got a spike which is hard being short, she was on fire!
The Pimples played very well, am thinking it has to do with Tray being on their side since he's the Youth Leader. We miss you ginko man.
We had Linda and Leroy as spectators, they encouraged us with lots of smiles (and laughter!) Nicole joined them with little Lacey after her swim.

Anyway, Congratulations to the Pimples! Despite all the ground time (Trenton) you guys whupped us good!

Afterward we had homemade ice cream! Ummm good!