Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday Sunday!

Well this blogger did not get Pastor's message on CD this week. So I'm going to wing it...not!

I am going to post the P-salms that our Sunday School class wrote. I was amazed at the differences in writings, and you could really tell that they were prayed over and thoughtfully written.

Please remember these are the property of each owner and NOT to be copied or used without permission. Thank you!

Miss Patricia went first one way then another in her serious and Seuss P-salms!

Look up and trust, for your redemption draws near;

What path will you choose, are you willing to hear?

About God and Jesus and His saving Grace;

Or will you just scoff, and spit in the face

Of the One who can save you from an eternity of sorrow,

Saying, "What's the rush? There's always tomorrow.

There's so much to do, too short are the days -

To give God much thought, or to worship or pray."

Where are you spending tomorrow, how are you spending today?

Where are you spending eternity - will you choose to try Jesus' way?

Are you spending your treasures on a fallen world, playing roulette with your fate

Choose wisely my friend, while you still can - tomorrow may be too late.

When He comes to judge, will you be excusing your sin;

Or do you think being "good" is enough to get in?

On the day when you stand, before the One who created,

Will the Almighty say "Welcome" or "Pity, you waited."

He told you, He warned you, He wrote it in His Book -

But you couldn't be bothered to even take a look.

If you had, you would know what promises await

Those who forfeit, or walk through Heaven's holy gate.

Everyday is your choice

each day there's still time

It's easy; just ask!

It won't cost a dime

Stop denying that Jesus

is the truth and the life

It's your promise of eternity

free from all strife

Go ahead, go on living

in what "feels good" today

Excusing and inventing

alternative ways

to get on heaven's highway.

I'm sorry my friend

There's only ONE road to heaven,

thru Jesus --- THE END

Patricia C.



He made the earth, the heaven, the seas,

He made all of us for our praises to please,

He blessed us so, with a perfect love,

So we can go from this world to above,


He loves us, he chose us, even when he's been forsaken,

He's our light in our deepest dark,

Let his spirit awaken,

His power is great, and awesome,

His lightnings lighted the sky,

He cause the hills to melt like wax,

The seas to tremble, our minds to fly,


He is God, the one, the true,

The Savior who took our sins,

We all should know that he is the way,

and that in the end, God wins.


Alec C.


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